The Bible is Always RightA most important truth that every believer must stand on is: the Bible is always right. Countless commentaries have been written by......Tim Kieffer | 25 Feb 2023Read all
Do You Have an Anchor?If you asked anyone where anchors are found they would tell you on boats and ships......Tim Kieffer | 02 Nov 2022Read all
Follower of JesusThere has been a seemingly insignificant change in the words Pastors use when referring ......Harry Ironside | 10 Feb 2022Read all
All are Welcome!In any city or town there will be a church with a sign on the front lawn containing its name. Chances are......Tim Kieffer | 18 Dec 2021Read all
Trust in the Science?Trust in the science. This is the phrase we hear over and over again by medical officials and politicians. So what is science?......Tim Kieffer | 23 Oct 2021Read all
Continue to Worship!Over 2,400 years ago the prophet Daniel lived in Babylon with all the Jewish people who had been taken captive out of Judah......Tim Kieffer | 19 Jan 2021Read all
Why Don't We Pray More?If such mighty power is available to us through prayer, we might ask, “Why do we not pray more?”......David Dawson | 17 Oct 2020Read all
Prayer MeetingsI have been a Christian since May 1993 when I trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. In 1996 my family and I began......Tim Kieffer | 02 Jun 2020Read all
Troublesome Times!A man named R. E. Winsett was an American gospel music composer. In 1942 he wrote the well-known hymn “Jesus is Coming Soon”...... Tim Kieffer | 30 May 2020Read all
Who Controls the Climate?We have been inundated with warnings from scientists, governments, and others of the imminent catastrophe that will befall the world...... Tim Kieffer | 09 Feb 2020Read all